Sunday, February 27, 2011

Before I Go . . .

Before I Go. . . . .

I Love giving referrals even more than I appreciate receiving referrals. I get a feeling almost as if it were Christmas and I am presenting this beautifully wrapped gift to someone and watching their face as they open the package. I was asked recently how I am able to come across so many people who need referrals. It is a small thing and yet it delivers BIG results; I ask one simple question. It goes something like this.

Before I Go, is there anything I can do to help you today?” I usually get a reply like ‘Huh” or “What do you mean?” My reply routinely is something to the effect of “I happen to have an incredible network of business partners/associates that I know, like and trust so if you need a resource, product or service I may know just the right person for you.

Why do I do this you might ask? I feel that the most valuable asset we have is being a resource to our clients and associates. I want to be their “go to” person so I have spent years cultivating a finely crafted network of the best of the best business professionals. These are people who come highly recommended to me or I have personally used their products or services. I have make it known that I would like to get to know them better and I keep track of what they are doing and if their work matches their words. When I have someone that needs their services I contact them and let them know I have a referral for them and let them know what my expectations are for the way the referral should be handled.

What I have found is that my clients value my referrals and taking away some of the uncertainty out of finding the right resource. I also discovered that the person receiving the referral is appreciative of the gesture of being handed a potential client.

With the “Before I Go (BIG)”goodbye I get a Big return – both the referrer and referee frequently think of me first when they hear of someone looking for my services. I get the pleasure of helping not just one person but two or more people. I become a trusted resource. It works equally well when I am looking for someone or something. “Before I go, I am thinking about putting a new deck on my house. Who do you know that you might recommend to me?

I always wanted to be able to do magic when I was a child and by connecting the right people it becomes almost magical for me. Just call me Dawne the ReSorceress .

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